报告摘要:Galaxies are complex systems including stars, gas, dark matter, and et cetra. The stellar content is best viewed using optical photometry and spectroscopy, while the neutral gas is best traced by the HI 21cm line in the radio band. I will first summarize our previous results on stellar population distribution within galaxies (mostly in 1D radial profiles) made using optical surveys such as Pan-STARRS1 and SDSS-IV MaNGA. I will then introduce our on going and future projects on HI observation towards nearby galaxies using large radio telescopes such as FAST and GBT.
主讲人简介:Zheng Zheng obtained his PhD from the Johns Hopkins University in 2014. He then carried out a postdoc research at the NAOC for two and a half years. He joined the NAOC radio division as an associated researcher in 2017. He served as a co-chair of the SDSS-IV MaNGA science committee since 2017. Zheng Zheng’s research interests include galaxy structure and evolution, stellar population in galaxies, HI of galaxies, and HI/OH absorption.
Meeting ID: 812 3835 3860 Passcode: 413300