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清华高研院学术报告:Cosmology reaching out to particle physics

Title: Cosmology reaching out to particle physics Speaker: Prof. Houjun Mo  (University of Massachusetts) Time: 2013-06-13, Thursday, 4:00pm Venue: Conference Hall 322, Science Building, Tsinghua University Abstract: Modern cosmology is closely connected to particle physics. Not only our understanding of the structure, evolution and matter/energy content of the Universe rely on particle physics, cosmological conditions and astronomical objects also provide a test bed for particle physics. An overview of such connection will be presented.Modern cosmology is closely connected to particle physics. Not only our understanding of the structure, evolution and matter/energy content of the Universe rely on particle physics, cosmological conditions and astronomical objects also provide a test bed for particle physics. An overview of such connection will be presented.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
